The Western Hotel was licensed to George Hammond – also known as Ah Ming – from 1886 to 1888. George was married with three children when he applied for his victualler’s licence in 1886. The premises were owned by James Lock, probably a relative of Mary (nee Lock), George’s wife.
In 1925, an ‘Old Timer’ recalled in the Western Champion the early years of Barcaldine between 1886 and 1887. He noted that the Western Hotel was situated in Oak Street, second hotel from Lagoon Creek (the All Nations / White Horse Hotel being closest to the creek). It was run by George Hammond (Ah Ming) and was referred to as The Rip and Tear where ‘you would find black, white and brindle … and things were lively at times’.

Publicans in the 1880s had to apply for leave from the Police Magistrate to be away from their premises. George Hammond was once fined because he had absented himself from his licensed house without leave. George deposed that he had gone to Muttaburra for 12 days, to take potatoes and fruit there and had lost his horse for four days – he had meant to be away for 10 days. He was fined £2 plus costs.

In April 1887, during Licensing Bench deliberations, some objection was raised in relation to George Hammond’s licence but police had no complaints so the licence was granted.
The Western Hotel licence was not renewed in November 1888.
The Western Champion reported that the local bench of magistrates came to the conclusion that there were too many public-houses for the small town of Barcaldine, and were apparently determined to reduce the number to six. The decision was questioned by the reporter as unnecessary to begin the reduction in 1888 as it was ‘a well known fact that at least half a dozen publicans are merely waiting for tenders to be called for the new extension to move on to Longreach‘. The applications of John Lennon (Railway Hotel), and George P Shakspeare (Shakspeare Hotel), were granted. The application of George Hammond was adjourned until the next day when it was refused (Western Champion 16 November 1888).