A branch of the Queensland National Bank opened in Barcaldine in October 1906. It was the first of many new buildings during this period.
Previously, the old ‘railway’ bank on the corner of Oak and Willow streets had been converted to a residence in 1894 when a produce agency on an Ash and Beech street corner was renovated to serve as bank premises. The back section of the old building was used again for business during construction of the 1906 bank.
The new bank on the corner of Ash and Beech streets had a large public chamber, a manager’s room, strong room, small bedroom, and was fronted by ‘an ornamental porch’. The first manager was A. J. A. Moody.

Many years later when the building was removed, letters of the first manager dated 1885-1957, were found in the ceiling providing a valuable source of early information.
The Queensland National Bank traded as the National Bank of Australia after amalgamation in 1947-48.
The Queensland National Bank branch in Barcaldine closed its doors in 1973.
The building was sold to the Shire Council and leased at a minimal rent to the District Historical Society. It was moved to become the Barcaldine Historical Museum on land owned by Mrs Mary Sealy on the corner of Beech and Gidyea Streets on July 18, 1976.
Text sources include: Hoch, Isabel. 2008. Pages 43, 53, 124.