Watchmakers Western Champion 22 February 1887 Western Champion Almanac 1891 Western Champion 30 November 1907 Western Champion Almanac 1891
A Small Town in Queensland, Australia
Watchmakers Western Champion 22 February 1887 Western Champion Almanac 1891 Western Champion 30 November 1907 Western Champion Almanac 1891
A Land Court opened in Barcaldine in 1900 conducted in the Lands Office building on the corner of Ash and Maple streets. Land ballots were conducted for portions of larger rural properties – Saltern Creek …
The first Court House was brought from Pine Hill in 1887 and sited on the corner of Beech and Elm Streets. This site was occupied by the Police Mounted Infantry Corps during the 1891 shearers’ …
Source: Hoch, Isabel. 2008. Page 76, 77, 95, 105, 157 Most Barcaldine residents had their first sight of an aeroplane in 1919. The Commonwealth government offered £10,000 for the first Australians to fly from England and …
1924 postcard view of Convent (Image: Barcaldine museum) Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Convent opened on 3 February, 1896 when the Sisters of Mercy commenced Catholic schooling in Barcaldine in a combined convent and school …
The first railway station was shifted to Barcaldine from Pine Hill (built 1883) in 1886 with the arrival of the Central Railway line, and was erected on the northern side of the line. It had …